The proper ways on connecting a screw conveyor and requires the following installation steps:
Linking the screw conveyor's discharge port to the hopper's inlet with a soft pipe and tightening it with a clamp and then quickly connect the screw conveyor's power supply to the filling machine's electrical box.

Switch on the electricity for the screw and vibration motors. This is a universal transfer switch. The "1" bit indicates forward rotation, the "2" bit indicates reverse, and the "0" bit is off. You must keep an eye for the screw motor's direction of motion. The material will go upward if the direction is proper, if not, turn the switch to the backward position. The filling machine directly controls the start and stop of the screw conveyor's operation. There is no requirement for manual management when the motor direction adjustment is finished. The control system turns on the feeding motor and begins feeding when the material level in the packing machine is low. It will automatically stop when the material level reaches the required level.
Post time: Oct-18-2023