21 Years Manufacturing Experience

Standards and essential components of every kind of tank


The mixing geometry—double cone, square cone, oblique double cone, or V shape—influences the mixing performance. The designs are created specifically for each kind of tank to enhance material circulation and blending. Tank size, angles, surface treatments, and reduction of material stagnation or buildup are important factors to consider in order to enable efficient mixing. These are the key specifications and attributes for any kind of tank.
Material Entry and Exit:


1. It is easy to operate, with a lever to move the feeding inlet's cover.
2. Strong sealing power and no pollution from the edible silicone rubber sealing strip.
3. Made of stainless steel.
4. It builds tanks with ideal material inputs and outputs, scaled and positioned for each kind of tank. It guarantees efficient material loading and unloading while accounting for the specific requirements of the materials that are being blended in addition to the required flow patterns.
5. Discharging a butterfly valve. 

Simple Setup and Disassemble: 


One person may easily replace and assemble the tank all at once due to its simplicity. Everything is thoroughly welded, polished, and easy to clean on the inside.
Safety Precautions:


Safety precautions such as emergency stop buttons, safety guards, and interlocks should be implemented in order to ensure the operator's safety when transferring tanks and operating equipment.
Safety interlock: the mixer instantly stops when the door is open.
Fuma Wheel:


It guarantees that the machine is stable and portable to used.

System Integration for Control:


It considers including a control system capable of handling tank changeover with the mixer. This would entail altering the mixing parameters based on the type of tank in order to automate the tank swapping mechanism.
Compatible Arms Combinations


It ensures that the single-arm mixing mechanism works with every type of tank. The length, shape, and connection method of the mixing arm within each type of tank facilitate effective mixing.

Post time: Aug-28-2024